Is Sleep Important?

I have a cool, new watch on my left wrist. Problem is, it doesn’t tell the time at all.

What it does is to tell the experimenters when I’m asleep.

I’m currently in this sleep study, and I’m required to adhere to a tight sleeping schedule from 11pm to 7am.

Sleeping at 11pm?! Seriously, 11pm is when the day starts! I’m extremely used to a 2am – 8am sleeping schedule, and sleeping an additional two hours makes it feel as if I’m wasting time drifting into lala land.

But this gave me a different perception on the way I’m using my time. With these restrictions in place, I’m more concerned about the way I use time – my workday has just shrunk by two hours, and I cannot afford to procrastinate. This actually helped me streamline my work priorities – those that are important stays, and those that don’t matter at all gets tossed out of the window. This minor annoyance in my life is starting to help me focus on the things that really matter.

Maybe we can even push this concept and create some sort of motivational course from it. You know, ask thousands from people, and force them to do their work for only four hours a day. After the course, swim in the money you’ve collected (ask for payment in 1-cent coins) and laugh maniacally at the fortune that you’ve made.

After that, maybe feel a slight temperature increase as your soul burns from your capitalistic intents.

But the concept is relevant, I feel. Our lives are frequently cluttered with things that don’t matter to us in our pursuit of the goals and aspirations we want. This is quite an effective method at forcing me to focus on just one thing in my life.

Let’s see what happens after a week, yeah?

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